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Along with the pottery production we also have properly prepared clay available for any kind of work, from moulding to sculpture.
Please note that the clay that we commercialise is exactly the same that we use to perform our work.
The clay is packed in 15kg plastic bags, and in case you’d be interested in acquiring a great quantity, please contact us so that we shall forward a free cost quotation of prices considering the quantity you’ll need and whether it has to be delivered or not, as you wish.

1- Clay shipyard

2- Filter prense

3- Blender line

4- Packed clay
© 2003 Olaria Artesanal Norberto Batalha & Filhos, Lda
Any part of this website cannot be reproduced or used without the autorization of the
Olaria Artesanal Norberto Batalha & Filhos, Lda