Olaria Norberto Batalha will attend FIA 2011 at Mafra stand represented by Nuno Batalha.Our presence will focus on the potter`s wheel demonstration and the exhibition of some our products. Visit us. For further information click here.
Video of Praçaa da Alegria interview at Olaria Norberto Batalha
The renowned program of RTP1, Pra?a da Alegria, visited today Olaria Norberto Batalha. A team led by Serenella Andrade has made known to the country and the world our firm in a brief interview at our premises, which you can see next Monday, May 9th in the program Pra?a da Alegria during the morning.
REMADE results
Following our participation at REMADE IN PORTUGAL design event it is with great pleasure that we inform that our project was one of the winners. The juri decided to assign two seconds places "ex aequo". We were thrilled by the result specially because this was the first time that we were participating on an event like this, and this for sure will motivate us for more experiences around the new design concepts. For more information click here. Check pictures below.
Olaria Norberto Batalha at FaceBook
Visit our most recent FaceBook page.
2025 Olaria Artesanal Norberto Batalha & Filhos, Lda
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Olaria Artesanal Norberto Batalha & Filhos, Lda